
An Intervention Can Turn Around A Situation That Seems Hopeless

We are dedicated to helping families save the lives of those who are struggling with addiction and/or mental health. By providing intervention, treatment placement, case management and other services to ensure that their loved ones get the help they need, we are able to connect our clients with professional treatment and rehabilitation for substance abuse problems, mental health issues, and co-occurring disorders. Typically, individuals suffering from mental illness or addiction to alcohol or drugs refuse to admit they are in crisis and often emotionally involve friends and family members. A professional intervention can be the first step to connecting your loved one to the help they need. Call today. We are here to help.

Get your loved one the treatment they so desperately need for their addiction. Intervene on their behalf and help them find the beginning of their path to recovery.
Case Management
Each person needs specialized care.  Recovery requires careful assessment, planning, and case management to ensure that the specific needs of the individual are met.
Sober Transport
We will handle all travel arrangements to ensure your loved one makes it to the treatment center according to both a schedule and a plan.
Treatment Evaluation & Placement
Recovery is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. Patients have a higher chance of success if they are placed in a treatment center that is right for them. Know your options.
In-Home Assessments
We can meet you in your own home to evaluate a loved one's treatment needs.

Reach Out Today. We’re Here To Help.

    Get Help Now:
    Help your loved one take the first step toward recovery.

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